Sunday, January 19, 2025

Stout Shout Out Stood Out (POP Part 41)

 Note from my previous post: 

One fits the bill: Andrew Jackson Young Jr. (born March 12, 1932) 
“March 12, …, 18, __, 22(x2), 24, __, …, 30 /Even Days in March” pattern cluster

His name contains a cryptic “and drew jack son young”.  This was enough for me to investigate him further.  None of his children are listed as being notable, butt I found his wife’s maiden name telling: Jean Childs. And so we now have “Childs, Young/Name Synonym” pattern cluster.  

What occurred to me then was the surname “Kidd” has “Kid” within and so a synonym.   And of course there’s the famous Captain Kidd.  Note from his wiki page:  

William Kidd (c. 1654 – 23 May 1701)

He died on the day of the year where 222 days remain,… a twin heads up!!   Also interesting is the fact that my father’s name is “William”… as in I’m Williams kid… one of four. On researching his wiki page, two stand out: 

  • John Somers, 1st Baron Somers (4 March 1651 – 26 April 1716)
  • William III (4 November 1650 – 8 March 1702),

We have two more additions to the now March 4, …, 8, __, 12, …, 18, __, 22(x2), 24, __, …, 30 /Even Days in March” pattern cluster.  I then turned to the 1945 film “Captain Kidd”. On perusing the list of crew and cast, one stood out 

Then name Stout stood out because it’s a cryptic shortened version of “stood out” and/or “shout out”, … and because it has “out” in it and so related to “X” that was featured in my previous post.  Note from Stout’s wiki page: 

  • Archibald Job Stout (March 30, 1886 – March 10, 1973)
We have two more additions to the now March 4, …, 8, 10, 12, …, 18, __, 22(x2), 24, __, …, 30(x2) /Even Days in March” pattern cluster.  And bridging the March 10 gap at that!! Two others standout: 
  • George Randolph Scott (January 23, 1898 – March 2, 1987) 
  • Frederick Worlock (December 14, 1886 – August 1, 1973) 
  • William Farnum (July 4, 1876 – June 5, 1953)
December 14th is also the birthday of my younger sister.  And January 23 is the birthday of my grandson. 

We have two more additions to the now March 2, 4, …, 8, 10, 12, …, 18, __, 22(x2), 24, __, …, 30(x2) /Even Days in March” pattern cluster

We now turn to another Kidd film: 

Note from the films cast: 

  • Louis Francis Cristillo (March 6, 1906 – March 3, 1959) known as Lou Costello
  • Frances Wolff (March 4, 1926 – March 4, 2013) known as Fran Warren
Note Wolff died on her birthday!! March 2, 4(x3), 6, 8, 10, 12, …, 18, __, 22(x2), 24, __, …, 30(x2) /Even Days in March” pattern cluster. Others who stood out: 
  • Charles Lamont (May 5, 1895 – September 11, 1993) 
  • Raoul Kraushaar (August 20, 1908 – October 13, 2001
  • William Jesse Shirley (July 6, 1921 – August 27, 1989)
August 20th is also my father’s birthday.  August 27 is a significant day to my family re births and deaths. And 9/11 speaks for itself. Keep in mind that their names factor in 

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