Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Infant, Kid, Young January 8(x3)

 Two notable persons recently added to Wikipedia’s Deaths in 2025 site share two unusual things in common: 

  • Suzanne Massie (née RohrbachJanuary 8, 1931 – January 26, 2025) 94, historian
  • Pableaux Johnson (January 8, 1966 – January 26, 2025)  59, journalist, heart attack.
They passed away on the same day and year, and they celebrate the same birthday!!  I should also mention that January 8th is also the birthday of my ex-stepson, Gillman Payette, so an addition to the “Targeting Family Birthdays” pattern cluster.

Note as well, the following recent addition Wikipedia’s Deaths in 2025 site lists under January 18: 

Lorenzo Infantino (8 January 1948 – 18 January 2025) 77, Italian philosopher and sociologist

The surname, Infantino, stands out as I reported in my recent January 19 post: 

The infant in his surname is an addition to a recent cluster.  Note from my previous post: 

 “Childs, Young/Name Synonym” pattern cluster.  

What occurred to me then was the surname “Kidd” has “Kid” within and so a synonym.   And of course there’s the famous Captain Kidd.  Note from his wiki page:  

William Kidd (c. 1654 – 23 May 1701)

May 23 is the day of the year where 222 days remain.   

Monday, January 27, 2025

Eddy Wauters Bad Asso!!

 Note the following regarding notable persons recently added to Wikipedia’s Deaths in 2025 site:

  • Anthony Basso (4 July 1979 – 25 January 25, 2025)
  • Iusein Ibram (6 July 1953 – 27 January 2025) 
  • Baldur Preiml (8 July 1939 – 27 January 2025)
  • Eddy Wauters (12 July 1933 – 24 January 2025)

We have a “July 4, 6, 8, __, 12/ Even Days in July Sequence” pattern cluster.  Bridging the July 10 gap, … using the formula as per usual, in the notable deaths section we arrive at: 

  • 2000  Vakkom Majeed, Indian journalist and politician (b. 1909)
  • Vakkom Majeed (born S. Abdul Majeed20 December 1909 – 10 July 2000)

and then in the notable births section we arrive at:  

 Giuseppe Maria Alberto Giorgio de Chirico (10 July 1888 – 20 November 1978)

Majeed’s birthday stands out given this addition to Wikipedia’s Deaths in 2025 site under todays date: : 

  • Joel Ayala Almeida (20 December 1946 – 27 January 2025)
We now have a “December 20(x2)” pattern cluster, and an addition to the “Timely” pattern cluster.  And then Chirico’s date of death stands out given the following recent additions to Wikipedia’s Deaths in 2025 site: 
  • Gaositwe Keagakwa Tibe Chiepe (20 October 1922 – 26 January 2025) 
  • Grant Ernest John Tambling (20 June 1943 – 26 January 2025)
We now have a “June 20, …, __, October 20, November 20, December 20(x2)/ 20th day, Month Sequence” pattern cluster.  Note from the Dec 20th notable births section: 

2000 – Gaboro, Assyrian Swedish rapper and songwriter (d. 2024)

I would like to note that it’s highly unusual to find a notable person born in 2000 that has died… so very young!!  Note from his wiki page: 

 Ninos Moses Khouri (20 December 2000 – 19 December 2024)as Gaboro

He died one day before his birthday!!  

As for bridging the September 20 gap: 
Well THAT speaks cryptic volumes. 

And don’t forget to look for the cryptic communication ie: the “eddy waters” and “grant rant ant earnest nest ambling, rambling gambling…”, and the surname Basso is a cryptic “bad ass hole”.  

Sunday, January 26, 2025

New House New Land New Man 4 May

 In the last week, Wikipedia’s Deaths in 2025 site includes: 

We have a “Surnames Beginning with ‘New’ ” pattern cluster in the works.  Note only that, but the cryptic communication within the surnames are meaningful, given that the inner twin world have voiced themselves enough over the years, that we need to be seeking a new house and new land.   Since the inner twin world tend to generated clusters in groups of 3 or more, we can consider this a prompt to seek out the intended third.  For this I rely on my memory— I only know of one notable person with “New” beginning his surname — actor Paul Newman. Note from his wiki page: 
TODAY is his birthday!!  An addition to the “Targeting Birthdays” and “Timely” pattern clusters. I guess that would be the inner twin world’s way of saying that they also seek a “new man”— that our outer twin patriarchal world needs to change… and accept.  

Note the following info on Newland and Newhouse: 

  • Ken Newland (May 1949 – January 2025) 
  • Frederick Vaughn Newhouse (November 8, 1948 – January 20, 2025) 

Note the cryptic “for May” in Newlands birthday… meaningful given my first name is May!!  

Two other recent notable deaths stand out given the following information: 

  • Krasimir Simeonov Kochev (May  1974 – 23 January 2025)
  • Harald Gunnar Paalgard (May  1950 – 20 January 2025) 
A “May 4(x3)” pattern cluster.  

As an aside, the next day after posting the above, I looked for the obituary of my ex partners brother, and found the following: 

Gary Eric Bennett

BENNETT, Gary E. – 71, Cole Harbour, passed away January 26th, 2018 in Hants Community Hospital. 

The anniversary of his death was yesterday!! 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Stout Shout Out Stood Out (POP Part 41)

 Note from my previous post: 

One fits the bill: Andrew Jackson Young Jr. (born March 12, 1932) 
“March 12, …, 18, __, 22(x2), 24, __, …, 30 /Even Days in March” pattern cluster

His name contains a cryptic “and drew jack son young”.  This was enough for me to investigate him further.  None of his children are listed as being notable, butt I found his wife’s maiden name telling: Jean Childs. And so we now have “Childs, Young/Name Synonym” pattern cluster.  

What occurred to me then was the surname “Kidd” has “Kid” within and so a synonym.   And of course there’s the famous Captain Kidd.  Note from his wiki page:  

William Kidd (c. 1654 – 23 May 1701)

He died on the day of the year where 222 days remain,… a twin heads up!!   Also interesting is the fact that my father’s name is “William”… as in I’m Williams kid… one of four. On researching his wiki page, two stand out: 

  • John Somers, 1st Baron Somers (4 March 1651 – 26 April 1716)
  • William III (4 November 1650 – 8 March 1702),

We have two more additions to the now March 4, …, 8, __, 12, …, 18, __, 22(x2), 24, __, …, 30 /Even Days in March” pattern cluster.  I then turned to the 1945 film “Captain Kidd”. On perusing the list of crew and cast, one stood out 

Then name Stout stood out because it’s a cryptic shortened version of “stood out” and/or “shout out”, … and because it has “out” in it and so related to “X” that was featured in my previous post.  Note from Stout’s wiki page: 

  • Archibald Job Stout (March 30, 1886 – March 10, 1973)
We have two more additions to the now March 4, …, 8, 10, 12, …, 18, __, 22(x2), 24, __, …, 30(x2) /Even Days in March” pattern cluster.  And bridging the March 10 gap at that!! Two others standout: 
  • George Randolph Scott (January 23, 1898 – March 2, 1987) 
  • Frederick Worlock (December 14, 1886 – August 1, 1973) 
  • William Farnum (July 4, 1876 – June 5, 1953)
December 14th is also the birthday of my younger sister.  And January 23 is the birthday of my grandson. 

We have two more additions to the now March 2, 4, …, 8, 10, 12, …, 18, __, 22(x2), 24, __, …, 30(x2) /Even Days in March” pattern cluster

We now turn to another Kidd film: 

Note from the films cast: 

  • Louis Francis Cristillo (March 6, 1906 – March 3, 1959) known as Lou Costello
  • Frances Wolff (March 4, 1926 – March 4, 2013) known as Fran Warren
Note Wolff died on her birthday!! March 2, 4(x3), 6, 8, 10, 12, …, 18, __, 22(x2), 24, __, …, 30(x2) /Even Days in March” pattern cluster. Others who stood out: 
  • Charles Lamont (May 5, 1895 – September 11, 1993) 
  • Raoul Kraushaar (August 20, 1908 – October 13, 2001
  • William Jesse Shirley (July 6, 1921 – August 27, 1989)
August 20th is also my father’s birthday.  August 27 is a significant day to my family re births and deaths. And 9/11 speaks for itself. Keep in mind that their names factor in 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Tried Truex true-exOUT (POP Part 40)

 Wikipedias deaths in 2025 site has recently added under January 17, 2025, a notable person with the surname Truex!! 

Martin Truex Sr., 66, American racing driver (NASCAR Busch North Series)

As in a cryptic “true x”… or “true out”!!

He was added after I made my previous post, and so with that in mind, consider this excerpt from my previous post:

The word “chi” is the name of the Greek letter “x” (pronounced “key” or “ky”), and the “22nd” letter of the Greek Alphabet.  On researching further, I found that the Greeks borrowed the “x” from the Phoenicians, and that they pronounced it as “s”.  

PhoenicianThe letter samekh represented the sound "s".No

Note from Truex’s Wikipedia page:

Martin Truex Sr. (March 24, 1958 – January 17, 2025) 

And the following notable person who also passed Way on the same day,… and yes the cryptic communication in their names is part of the great X— coming out of the internet Twin world.  Of course the “X” also points to “timely deaths” as part of their means of coming out and communicating… and its symbol for “kiss”… so “kiss of death”. 

Denis Law (24 February 1940 – 17 January 2025)

And we have a “__,  February 24,  March 24, __,/ 24th day, month Sequence” pattern cluster.  Note the following information regarding Truex’s son: 

Ryan Matthew Truex (born March 18, 1992)

It’s no coincidence that they were both born in March and on an even day, and so generating a “March 18, …, 24/Even Day in March” pattern cluster.  Understanding their cryptic language is  about being tuned in to the finer details and nuances such as this, … and then we wait for them to continue and/or we investigate further.   I perused Wikipedia’s notable deaths occurring yesterday, January 16th, arriving at two more additions to the cluster, which certainly beats the “audds”: 

 And so expanding it into a “March 18, __, 22, 24, __, …, 30 /Even Days in March” pattern cluster.


Continuing on today (January 19) note this person recently added to wikipedias Deaths in 2025 site: 

Garry James Brooke (24 November 1960 – 18 January 2025)

And we have a February 24,  March 24, __,…, November 24, / 24th day, month Sequence” pattern cluster.  The inner twin world has just provided us with the next clue— the gap to be bridged is April 24.  On the April 24 wikipedia page we then apply the formula as per usual, and so we arrive at just one : 

Pe Maung Tin (24 April 1888 – 22 March 1973)

So what are the chances … his death also expands the other cluster : 

“March 18, __, 22(x2), 24, __, …, 30 /Even Days in March” pattern cluster.

Another notable person who came to mind re the “X”, is Malcom X, note the following from his wiki page concerning his funeral: 

One fits the bill: Andrew Jackson Young Jr. (born March 12, 1932) 

“March 12, …, 18, __, 22(x2), 24, __, …, 30 /Even Days in March” pattern cluster5

His name contains a cryptic “and drew jack son young”.  This was enough for me to investigate him further.  None of his children are listed as being notable, butt I found his wife’s maiden name telling: Jean Childs. And so we now have “Childs, Young/Name Synonym” pattern cluster.  



Friday, January 17, 2025

Qui, Key, Chi Dragon (POP Part 39)

 Continuing on from my previous post, I can’t help but see “shitty” in the name “Chitty”, and so there must be more to it, especially when you consider the cryptic reference to the “hind” end… and the fact that Thomas Chitty had chosen the pen surname “Hinde”

Another thing to consider with the name is that both “chit” and “chi” that begin the name, are words and so additions to the recent “Words Beginning Name” pattern cluster.  And of course, Hinde, gives us “hind”.  As well, the word “hit” is in Chitty and so an addition to the “Word in Name” pattern cluster.  We now use these clusters as guide posts for limiting out search on the Chitty surname wikipedia page, to arrive at: 

  • Clayton Chitty, aka Clayton James (born March 18, 1985)
  • Alison Chitty (born 16 October 1948)[
  • Robert Mainwaring Chitty (4 July 1916 – 4 April 1985)
  • Dennis Hubert Chitty (18 September 1912 – 3 February 2010)
  • Derwas James Chitty (1901 – 1971)
  • Edward Chitty (1804–1863) 
  • Eric Stephenson Chitty (28 April 1909 – 23 December 1989) 
  • Ernest Chitty (6 December 1883 – 8 June 1948)
  • Gritakumar E. Chitty (14 June 1939 – 6 January 2022)
  • José Antonio de Armas Chitty (30 November 1908 – 6 October 1995[1]
  • Sir Joseph William Chitty (28 May 1828 – 15 February 1899) 
  • Letitia Chitty (15 July 1897 – 29 September 1982)
  • Lily Frances "LalChitty (20 March 1893 – 8 February 1979)
  • Leslie Allan "Peter" Chitty (11 March 1912 – 27 March 1996) 
  • Stella Chitty (11 March 1928 – 17 June 2005)
  • Thomas Chitty (1802 – 13 February 1878)
  • Wilfred Sidney Chitty (10 July 1912 – 2 February 1997)

I’ve highlighted the dates I find meaningful— first we have July 4th which is significant to the US, but also to the inner twin world, as this blogs header spells out: 

Of the first "5" US Presidents, 3 died on July 4th: Jefferson "5" hours before Adams, and Monroe "5" years later on the "55th" Independence Day.

And then we have Gritakumar’s birthday, June 14, that happens to be the same as US President Trump’s,… and “one off” from my birthday, June 13. The three 6’s have cryptic significance, generating a “January 6, … , October 6, __, December 6/ 6th Day, Month Sequence” pattern cluster. And finally, we have Leslie and Stella who were not only both born on March 11, they’re listed one right after the other.  A definite twin heads up… not to mention the twin 11 and the “mar” in march.  Their names generate an interesting cryptic communication re “less lie all pet tell”.  As for how the “pet” fits into the cryptic communication, other than it referring to a pet animal, it is often used to indicated a favoured person (ie teachers pet), and then consider the following etymology: 

pet (n.2) "fit of peevishness, offense or ill-humor at feeling slighted," 1580s, in phrase take the pet "take offense."

I can’t help butt feel that the inner twin world are taking offence to the fact that their coming out and communicating to us (outer twins) have met with such resistance.  On the other hand, I know that they purposely created the resistance as part of their coming out and communicating to us.  If it is offensive to them, then they will make the switch when the time is right… it’s just a matter of when.  In the meantime, the message is getting out to a few… hopefully those with enough power to effect the changes they are looking for.  

On bridging the November 6 gap (note 11/6 is upside down and reverse of 9/11), and taking into consideration the “Off by One” pattern cluster, we arrive at: 

The “sky low low” has cryptic significance!!!  And note the “just bet better” in Just Betzer…, AND, a “just bet” is a “sure bet”— so take the high road, and let true justice prevail … so the people can then be free to divert their energy towards building what we need to survive and for the good of all instead of wasting precious time, energy and resources on war— that’s my “Tou sense worth” interpretation!!! 

As for the intended third March 11, the date cropped up not long ago, note from my January 6 post, note this excerpt: 

A “January 11(x3), February 11, __, …, May 11, …, September 11(x2)October 11, November 11(x3), December 11(x3)/11th Day, Month Sequence” pattern cluster

I’ve included a second September 11 given the importance of this date re 9/11 — terrorist attack on the US and notably the NYC “Twin Towers”.   As to bridging the March 11 gap, using the formula we arrive at: 
    • 1888 – The Great Blizzard of 1888 begins along the eastern seaboard of the United States, shutting down commerce and killing more than 400 people
    • Great Blizzard of 1888, also the “Great White Hurricane” (March 11–14, 1888)

 I didn’t include the others who crop up on using the formula re March 11: 

  • 1999  Herbert Jasper (July 27, 1906 – March 11, 1999) Canadian psychologist, anatomist, and neurologist 
  • 1999 – Camille Laurin (May 6, 1922 – March 11, 1999) Canadian psychiatrist and politician 
And we now have a “January 6, … ,May 6, …, October 6, November 11, December 6/ 6th Day, Month Sequence” pattern cluster.   Note as well the cryptic “May sics” (pet related, as in sic a dog) in the date of May 6!!  

We also have a new “June 11, __, 13, 14/Date Sequence” pattern cluster and an expansion to the now  “January 11(x3), February 11, March 11,__, May 11, June 11, __, …, September 11(x2)October 11, November 11(x3), December 11(x3)/11th Day, Month Sequence” pattern cluster

A bit of a word study/etymology research: 

The word “chi” is the name of the Greek letter “x” (pronounced “key” or “ky”), and the “22nd” letter of the Greek Alphabet.  On researching further, I found that the Greeks borrowed the “x” from the Phoenicians, and that they pronounced it as “s”.  

PhoenicianThe letter samekh represented the sound "s".

Which is interesting, because the sound of “s” is the same sound that gas makes when preparing to burn it by allowing it to escape from a controlled narrow opening.  Also interesting is that this is in keeping with my theory that our prehistoric ancestors had survived on the frozen permafrost tundra of glaciated  Eurasia, via what I refer to as the TUSSH — Two United Structure System Home.  This home was a system where by in a large central tower running through and out the building like a giant furnace/chimney held dead and rotting organic matter— their heat source that in turn produced methane gas that they would naturally collect for added fuel for heat and cooking.  I have posted about the TUSSH in earlier posts and in my earlier Toumai blog that you can investigate further  

Also in keeping with my theory is the word “ex”, note the etymology: 


word-forming element, in English meaning usually "out of, from," but also "upwards, completely, deprive of, without," and "former;" from Latin ex "out of, from within; from which time, since; according to; in regard to," from PIE *eghs "out" (source also of Gaulish ex-, Old Irish ess-, Old Church Slavonic izu, Russian iz). In some cases also from Greek cognate exek. PIE *eghs had comparative form *eks-tero and superlative *eks-t(e)r-emo-. Often reduced to e- before -b--d--g-, consonantal -i--l--m--n--v- (as in eludeemergeevaporate, etc.).

Gas… as in methane gas, “comes out of/escapes from “ rotting organic matter.  Consider as well, that the Chinese word for dragon is “chi”

Note various definitions of “chi”: 

  • Greek alphabet: The 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet, represented by the consonant ch or kh. 
  • Chinese: The word chi literally means "energy". In Chinese medicine and martial arts, chi refers to a vital energy that is believed to circulate through the body. 
  • Italian: The pronoun chi means "who" or "whoever". 
  • Spanish slang: An informal way of saying "sí", which means "yes". 
  • British English: The pronoun chi means "who". 
  • Traditional Chinese unit of length: Chi is a traditional unit of length, about ⅓ meter. 
  • Chinese mythology: Chi is a dragon. 
  • Chinese surname: Chi is a surname written as 池 in pinyin

Qiulong (simplified Chinese虬龙traditional Chinese虯龍pinyinqíulóngWade–Gilesch'iu-lunglit.'curling dragon') or qiu was a Chinese dragon that is contradictorily defined as "horned dragon" and "hornless dragon".


Qiu can mean "curling; twisting; coiling; wriggling; writhing" in Chinese compounds. For instance:

    • qiupan 虬蟠 "curled up like a dragon; curling and twisting (esp. tree roots)"
    • jiaoqiu 蛟虬 "coil like a dragon"
    • qiuxu 虬鬚 "curly beard; curly mustache"
    • qiuran 虯髯 "curly whiskers"

Besides the four "hornless dragon" examples above, three Chuci contexts use qiu in words describing dragons "coiling; wriggling; writhing".

Note the etymology: 

cheese (n.1)

"curd of milk coagulated, separated from the whey, pressed, and used as food," Old English cyse (West Saxon), cese (Anglian) "cheese," from West Germanic *kasjus (source also of Old Saxon kasi, Old High German chasi, German Käse, Middle Dutch case, Dutch kaas), from Latin caseus "cheese" (source of Italian cacio, Spanish queso, Irish caise, Welsh caws). 

This is of unknown origin; perhaps (Watkins) from a PIE root *kwat- "to ferment, become sour" (source also of Prakrit chasi "buttermilk;" Old Church Slavonic kvasu "leaven; fermented drink," kyselu "sour," -kyseti "to turn sour;" Czech kysati "to turn sour, rot;" Sanskrit kvathati "boils, seethes;" Gothic hwaþjan "foam").