Monday, September 16, 2013

Grattan Flood, All Hallow and the TUSSH

This post is a follow up on Grattan Flood, who had cropped up in my previous post on having followed the leads as a result of the recent passing of Tomás Ó Canainn, renown for playing the uileann pipes, note the following from
The term "uilleann pipes" is first attested at the beginning of the 20th century. William Henry Grattan Flood, an Irish music scholar, proposed the theory that the name "uilleann" came from the Irish word for "elbow". 
 Because the name/word "Flood" stands out (as explained further in my previous post), I decided to conduct further investigation into the life of Grattan Food, note the following from his wiki page
The "all Hallows" has inner twin cryptic significance when considering what I refer to as the TUSSH-- the Two United Structure System Home" that the inner twin world are going out of their way to reveal and promote to us... even going so far as sacrificing their lives in many cases (as well as their outer twin in the process).  Most of the notable persons featured in my posts are recently deceased, and via generating "timely" deaths, the inner twin world are coming out and communicating to us at this point in time.  If you go back to my recent September 15th post re Albert Jones, Albert Jacquard (6) RIIIIP: Isis, Isley, Islands, is Icefields,  the "High Priestess" (at right) crops up on following the leads stemming from recent notable deaths.  The image of the High Priestess (also called the "Popess") includes imagery that has a cryptic relation to "All Hallows"... orr "All Hollows" and as well, with the TUSSH.  Note this excerpt from the post:
  Note the following posts that reference the "High Priestess"/"Isis" excerpt:
There's a cryptic inner twin message to bee had and it simply rests on her head.
The first  link above brings you to my earlier Toumai post that reveals the second picture of Isis depicted at left.  Note the similarity with the hat of Isis and the hat of the Popess/High Priestess.  Putting all other explanations aside as to what the hat represents, we need to concern ourselves only with the cryptic version as put forth by our inner twins and their parallel world.  For this you need to click on the second link provided above, where one of images (third image at right below) are of an ancient prehistoric home constructed by our ancestors during the last glacial event and while living on the permafrost lands adjacent to the great glacial fields of ice that stretched across Eurasia at the time.  

The inner twin world has revealed that this prehistoric civilization had existed, albeit most of the evidence is lost to us, buried under thousands of layers of peat.  As you can see by the cross section schematics of the TUSSH at right, it was essentially a "hollow" ball shaped home with a clear roof.  The many aspects and functions of this particular design enabled these ancestors to survive the  Glaciated North as well as benefit from the resources utilized there-- namely the great herds of reindeer that they could herd while at the same time avoid a myriad of predators that abide further south (hence why many herds migrated north during winter in the first place-- to avoid predators).

Nott only does the name "All Hallows" connect with the TUUSH, butt so does the mention of Mount Melleray-- the first of the schools attended to by Grattan Flood.  What you need to do at this point, is to see the connection with French "Miel", meaning "honey" and the name "Mel" (from Melisa meaning "bee".

Now here's the thing about "honey" and for that matter, any of the sugary sweet products derived from plants ie: syrup/sap, starches from roots and sea plants such as kelp and carrageenan (Irish Moss) that we use today as thickeners : these are just some of the many products used  by our prehistoric ancestors to make the clear roof of the TUSSH.   The saps and plants could be rendered and dried and milled into granulated products that could then easily be transport to their home locations on the frozen tundra.  If you doubt the possibility, simply watch this video that reveals how to make a pane of glass from sugar:

The beauty of the sugar is can then easily be liquified into a gummy substance like in the video and then poured into a mould... and in the case of our ancestors, the mould was large and "cupped"... a hollow half ball designed to easily be removed from the press mould.

If you doubt that our ancestors about 45,000 years ago when this home was being constructed, note  this excerpt from:
At other sites, the Neanderthals subjected sticky substances to a much more elaborate process. Birch bark contains a tacky resin known as pitch that is impossible to extract simply by tapping into the tree, as with pinesap or maple syrup. Instead, the pitch must be separated from the bark by a process known as dry distillation. Chemists have discovered that distilling pitch from birch bark requires an oxygen-free environment and sustained temperatures of over 650° F. How could Neanderthals, with their Stone Age technology, have produced such conditions? If they really did master this complex process, it is hard to resist the conclusion that they must have had language and a sophisticated ability to think and plan ahead.
Of course Neanderthals weren't our direct ancestors, butt they lived pretty close to one another and so likely had shared some of their discoveries... including the use of glue.  If Neanderthals had learned the difficult process of making pitch from Birch bark, then it stands to reason that our own ancestors could do nott only THAT much, butt MORE!!

The thing about the TUSSH, is that it can be modified to our modern day... and because of this, it is a design that could very well save the day when in the future an inevitable Nemesis, like the one that resulted in the extinction of dinosaurs, happens to come our way again.

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