Monday, October 31, 2016


This next post is an excerpt (May 22, 2012) from my earlier Toumai blog re, Harper+Obama = 66 = House (emphasis added)):

Stephen Harper is the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada and Barack Obama is the 44th President of the 
United States,  'add' the two together and you get 66.  

As I stated in my previous post:  
Twin number sequences such as these have featured prominently in posts to this blog... enough that I have begun to consider the appearance of twin numbers as a heads upp.. a lead and trademark signature of the inner twin world. 
I've also stated before, that because of the inner twin resides within, they aren't able to speak as we do, however because they 
are able to influence our thoughts and actions, this enables them to secretly  infiltrate our lives and world to a very large 
extent.  Because we aren't aware of this infiltration, they are able to  generate the small and complex synchronicities.  These 
were  designed with the distinct purpose of  grabbing our attention enough so that one day, when the time was right,  they 
could reveal their existence as well as facilitate with communicating to us... and especially it seems, one message/warning in particular.   

Twin numbers that come upp out of the blue, like this 22 and 44,  are synchronicities that are generated by the inner twin 
world and as such, a meaning can be applied via using the computer keyboard, which they had a hand designing.  Each of the 
numbers from 1-0 share the same key as a specific symbol and to these symbols,  "other" meaning can be applied.  Note the 
list below with each number and the respective symbols laying on each key as well as my interpretation as to their meaning (
some of the symbols may still need some work): 
1- ! : the exclamation mark equates as meaning "Shocked Surprise", this can be either pleasant and/or horrific,  
   depending on the greater context of the  synchronicity where this number had come up, th1 can also be equated 
with me/us... since I/we are in the position of being "shocked"!!
2-@: The 'at' symbol equates with "state of being"... and/or "where one is at"... especially the inner twin world who considers themselves to be 2 (the "Tou" of Toumai) 
3-#: the 'number' symbol requires us to use our creative imaginations.  Since it resembles a cross hatching/grid, I've come to learn that this is equated as meaning  "to weave, fabricate, build." 
4- $: the 'dollar sign' equates with "cost and/or pay", and can also imply "sacrifice" (the cost for hopeful greater returnre in the end)
5-%: the percentage sign is a symbol that again requires our  creative imaginations.  The two "O" represents  both our worlds that are set apart and "askance" from one another... we aren't focussing.   
6-^: the 'roof' symbol equating with "House".  This is a widely used symbol in that their greatest concern and message to us has to do with our lack of proper shelter to protect from the various "Nemesis" that are destined to come our way.
7-&: the 'and' symbol equates with "adding" and/or "repeating/emphasizing". 
8-*: the 'asterisk' is a "star" which in turn indicates night, the time when we are able to see the stars and so it symbolizes clarity.  It can also mean eternity.  The two circles that make up the 8 are perfectly aligned one on top the other, indicating our two worlds in cohesive productivity and harmony towards the goal.
9-(: the left bracket is used to make the unhappy and/or angry face :-( , so that is what it equates with.  When you consider the event of 9/11, their communication is -- our conjoined sad/anger (9) and double horror shock (11).  
0-): the right bracket is used to make the happy face :-) and so that is what it also equates with.  The number 10 should it arise in the context of a synchronicity, would refer to a pleasant surprise

So, Stephen Harper being 22 is equivalant to the inner twin world saying and emphasizing "at"... as in meaning our conjoined
 "state of being".  Barack Obama's 44 is equivalent to the inner twin world saying our conjoined "cost/pay".  Since the two 
add upp to 66 which is equivalent to emphasizing "house", then the message appears to be that:
We need to invest our time and money toward building a new specialized house that in the end will generate enormous returns for both our worlds.
On the "house" note, Google trends reveals that the tv program House and articles relating to the "House Finale" is rated near
 to the top of  most viewed.  Note this table from the House wiki page:  ... 

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