Thursday, February 4, 2016

Joe Alaskey (Part 3): An Inconvenient Truth

continuing on, note this excerpt from my previous post:

  • The fact that my grand daughters birthday has cropped up twice is to be taken seriously, as to why and what, my Tou Sense Worth interpretation is that this has to do with her "eye"-- one of her eyes are what is commonly known as "lazy" eye... it's not that eye itself isn't working, it has to do with the brain relying so much on one eye that it gives up on the other (the brain simply refuses to process what the weaker eye is taking in)... for what ever reason.  I believe this is her inner twin's doing... that's what they do, it all factors in to their "Starr Family Production" mandate.

And I do believe we have supporting evidence in Joe's surname, Alaskey, after all, there's more to the name than meets the eye, namely 4 cryptic phrases imbedded within re: Alaska why eye/A Last key/Alas key / All ask why eye. Each are designed to factor into a highly intricate/cryptic  communication that needs deciphering.  

To begin, it's important to know that the "Alaska" in his surname is the first one to catch my 'eye', and the "ey" in place of "a" is simply a way to draw our attention to the two letters and to what we see in them: what I see is "eye" and "y"( with "y" being phonetically identical to "why"), and eye is synonymous with  "to see".  So the first phrase deciphers further into "Why do we need to see Alaska".   Also encrypted in this question is the key to why the inner twin world influences injury and/or deaths... injuries such as the affliction with my granddaughters eye .   

In answer to the question as to what I see with Alaska, what comes to mind is a great swath of "Frozen White", and that is pretty much what you see, at least in the literal sense.  However, glaciers and winter snow are melting at an alarming rate, with permafrost lands turning into soggy mush. This is intended to factor into the communication, and the reason I know this is because of a recent communication that involves "ice hut" that gives way to "woody green hut" (see my February 2nd post, Dušan Velkaverh RIIP: Green Hutt Oppen House), a communication that comes to us on the heels of Vekaverh's "timely" death on February 1, 2016, and then connects to a communication that comes on the heels of Alaskey's "timely" death on February 23rd. 

The far north is melting, a fact that's supported by experts and residents the world over.  There is even a wiki page called "Drunken Forests" that describes swaggering tree's-- tree's evolved to and reliant on permafrost conditions are losing the "solid ice ground" that their shallow roots rely on and as such are simply keeling over.  Note from the drunken forest wiki page: 
Al Gore and his Inconvenient "Gorey" Truth is a fork in the road  worth investigating, butt my time is limited and so I'll leave that for you, as I continue along this path.

We are dealing with a twin/parallel world: each of us are "chimera humans"... we each have an inner/conjoined twin who are able to influence our thoughts and actions in a profound way, hence they are able to influence things like: names and cryptic meanings behind them; the day of our birth/death, and so much more. 

The surname Alaskey is one such name that has been influenced a long time ago from an ancestor.  This is evidence that at some time in the distant past, our inner twins began to strategically influence our lives in meaningful/hidden ways that they would one day reveal to us as part of their means of "coming out" and "communicating" to us, which is just another step towards meeting a much greater mandate.  They have set a stage-- have put a plan in motion that when the time is 'wright', they could bring it all forward.  I use 'wright' in place of 'write' and I do so because it's a combination of  "write right" and so has the extended meaning of "write the truth" (this is yet another design influence of the inner twin world, knowing and planning for the day to come that I would use it).  This blog is about 'wrighting' the inconvenient truth about their existence and the war they are waging against our lives and world.  I am a War correspondent 

The second cryptic phrase in Alaskey's surname that I recognized was " A last key" and "Alas Key". The word "key"  and " door"  have cropped up in recent posts , and in fact the surname Keyes cropped up in my previous post.   Evelyn Keyes, also cropped up in my January 30 post, Jean-Marie Doré RIIP: Door A, note this excerpt:
And then my January 14, 2016 post, US Presidents and July 4th RIIIIIIPItamar Franco RIIP: Keys to the Door 
  • Evelyn Louise Keyes (November 20, 1916 – July 4, 2008) 
As you can see, a "Key/Keyes/A Door" pattern-cluster was already in the works.

At this point I decided to simply  google "Alaska Keyes".   Two people  crop who  have birth and death dates, note the following: 
  • Florence Keyse was born Oct. 1, 1926, to Priscilla and Mr. Frank in Nulato. She went in passing Nov. 1, 2014. - See more  at : 
  •  Israel Keyes (January 7, 1978 – December 2, 2012) was an American serial killer, rapist, arsonist, burglar and bank robber. 
What  Stands out is that Florence Keyse was born on the 1st and died on the 1st, hence an addition to the  recent "1st Day" pattern-cluster.  And her month/day of birth is 11/1 and so an addition to the "Identical Number Sequence" and the "1/One/Won"  pattern-clusters.   The name Florence Keyes reminds me of the Florida Keys... a concern that I posted about recently.

 Israel Keyes birthday together with my stepsons birthday generates a "January 7, 8,_/Date Sequence" pattern-cluster.

I have previously posted about other notable persons having the surname "Keyes", note the following excerpts from my July 8, 2015 post, Irwin Keyes RIIP: 2000 Corpses!!! :
The Deaths in 2015 site lists under July 8th:
  • William "Bill" Moseley(born November 11, 1951) 
  • Jennifer Jostyn (born November 11, 1968) 
  • Dennis Clarke Fimple(November 11, 1940 – August 23, 2002)
  • Walton Sanders Goggins, Jr. (born November 10, 1971)
So what are the chances of three dates being 11/11 and  one 11/10!?  This is no coincidence and nor is it synchronicity, this is a pattern-cluster -- purposely generated.   Keep in mind that I don't go looking for the clusters.  A mandate of this post is to investigate "timely" notable deaths-- deaths that have been influenced... perpetrated in such a way as to generate pattern-clusters. This isn't something that has just started happening, this strategy of generating "timely deaths" dates back as far as recorded history goes.  The deaths of 3 US Presidents occurred well before my time, my part as War Correspondent is to dig up the truth and "wright" it.  

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