Wednesday, August 12, 2015

John Holland RIIP (part 2): A Clear Hollowland in the Hill of Jack and Jill

As a followup to my previous post re John Holland, his wiki page reveals that in 1999 he won the Harold Pender Award.  Note the following from the awards wiki page:
Several pieces of evidence in the above are strategic design influences of the inner twin world.  For one, the years 1999 and 2000 are additions to the "Identical Number Sequence" pattern-cluster. Second,  their surnames have cryptic meaning that "connect" to what is referred to as the TUSSH (Two United Structure System Home)-- a new proposed home design of the inner twin world, and the primary reason why they have chosen to "come out" and "communicating" to us at this point in time. Two key design features of this home is that it's "hollow" and "clear", and so with this in mind note the "Claire" in Kilby's name, which means "clear" and the cryptic phrase re "hollow land" within the surname "Holland".  Third, is the fact that the names "Jack" and "John" come from the same origins, so we have an addition to the "Twin Things" pattern-cluster.  Fourth, and as communicated via earlier pattern-clusters, their first names contain a cryptic phrase: "Jack" in that it's also a word meaning to "raise/jack up" and "John" communicates "jeune" (French for "young"), both of these "other" meanings to the names were purposely designed by the inner twin world as well, and for the explicit purpose of facilitating in their communication to us.  

On thinking more on the name "Jack",  I suddenly recollected a song from my youth called "Master Jack", I considered this a prompt from my inner twin, and so venturing to the song's wiki page, note this excerpt:
"Master Jack" is a song written by David Mark sand performed by Four Jacks and a Jill. 
It all smacks of inner twin infiltration.  Note this next excerpt from David Marks wiki page:
Birth nameDavid Holland
So what are the chance of his birth surname being "Holland"?!  Again, this is no mere coincidence, this is a newly formed "Holland/ Hollow Land" pattern-cluster. as perfectly influenced by the inner twin world.

As well, it's interesting to note the name of the group re "Four Jacks and a Jill"?!

With that, I decided to investigate the nursery rhyme, Jack and Jill, note from its wiki page:

  • It has also been suggested that the rhyme records the attempt by King Charles I to reform the taxes on liquid measures. He was blocked byParliament, so subsequently ordered that the volume of a Jack (1/2 pint) be reduced, but the tax remained the same. This meant that he still received more tax, despite Parliament's veto. Hence "Jack fell down and broke his crown" (many pint glasses in the UK still have a line marking the 1/2 pint level with a crown above it) "and Jill came tumbling after". The reference to "Jill" (actually a "gill", or 1/4 pint) is said to reflect that the gill dropped in volume as a consequence.[7]
Sounds logical to me... and even if not the true origin, this is no doubt an influence by the inner twin world.  And even though the above explanation seems to go with the flow, there is evidence suggesting that "Jack" and "Jill" are residual/hidden references to the ancient pagan/fertility cult "God" and "Goddess".   The bottom line is that the inner twin world is the ultimate infiltrator and so from the verse we now see their handiwork-- when man (Jack... aka our outer twin "patriarchal" world falls and breaks our crown, then "Jill"... aka the inner twin "Matriarchal" world, will tumble after).  In other words what happens to one conjoined life (inner and outer twin) will happen to the other, it is simply reality... our lot in our conjoined life and parallel world.

On Googling "Jack and Jill", this was also brought up: Jack and Jill (2011 film).  Note from the films wiki page:
Note the date re: 11/11/11!!!!!!

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