Thursday, January 22, 2015

Faten Hamama RIIP: Sheiks, Camels and Money (Part 2)

As a follow up to my previous post... and the "4/$/for/fore May" pattern-cluster, I've tried to wrap my head around the cryptic communication, and as you can see, I added another aspect to the cluster-- the word "fore".

Our inner twins ability of influence over our outer thoughts and actions without our being aware, means they are able to influence events in our lives and because they are able to work in conjunction with one another, they are able to influence events in the greater world, and they have been doing so for a very long time.  So one of the areas of particular influence was to influence the design of our words ... and since English is primarily mine I will focus on the following: for/four/fore/4, all of which were designed to be phonetically identical for a reason.  As per my previous post that also reveals how 4 equates with $ money, it begins to make more sense now that the month of May... and my name come into play.  Now that the time is right the inner twin world are revealing the purpose behind the pattern-clusters, and in this case they are now  communicating "first for May/power money).  So how does "power" factor in?!  Well, my name May is also a word that is related to "might"... hence why we often interchange the phrase "I may" with "I might".... and might is also a word that is synonymous with strength and power.  The word/name May is also a symbol representing our outer twin patriarchal parallel world... with Tou representing my inner twin and the inner twin matriarchal world.

So we need to put our money where our mouth is.  Butt the word "fore" is related to "first" which is related to "primary" and "prince", which brings it full circle to royalty... and of course royal figures generally have a lot of money... even prince's.  The inner twin world doesn't expect a kingly ransom, butt they do expect a princely one.  

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