A few minutes ago, I noticed that a facebook friend made a comment about William Penn, which is meaningful given the recent "Penn/Pena/Wright" pattern-cluster, note the following recent post titles that occurred between October 1-3rd:
So, maybe there is something that William Penn had penned in days of old, that was considered ... distasteful?! Note from his wiki page:
Note this next excerpt from Penn's wiki page in regards to a bronze statue of him that had been mounted on top of Philadlphia's City Hall:
Since Mayor's have been a focus, and places like London and Philadelphia I decided to check out the present day Mayor of each:
Note from Goode's wiki page:
And so I decided to take a gander over to William Penn's wiki page, where I noted the following:
William Penn (14 October 1644 – 30 July 1718)It may not seem like much to you, butt since today is October 7th, which means his birthday is 7 days from now. It's just that my previous post, Hugo Carvana RIIP: Huge Caravan Full of Ducks in a Row Save the Day. records a "77777/&&&&&..." pattern-cluster, note this excerpt:
- Anecy Rocha (26 October 1942 – 26 March 1977)
And another 77 to add to the cluster of &&&&&&& (given that 7 shares the same key as the & symbol, which by the way, looks very much like "ducks in a row"
So, maybe there is something that William Penn had penned in days of old, that was considered ... distasteful?! Note from his wiki page:- Anecy Rocha (26 October 1942 – 26 March 1977)
While Penn was abroad, the Great Fire of 1666consumed central London.Well it's not something he penned, butt it certainly grabbed my attention given the recent "Fire Theme" pattern-cluster that occurred recently, note this excerpt from my September 28th post re Aurora Arson; Aurora Airplane:
The recent "Fire Theme (Gas/Burns)" pattern-cluster definitely warrants more investigation. Note the following that I found on the Historic Fires wiki page
So I recollect having read about the fire of 1666, albeit I didn't mention it in the post, butt another fire that stood out to me as more meaningful back then. Going back to the Fire of 1666 wiki page, I noted the following:
- The use of the major firefightingtechnique of the time, the creation of firebreaks by means of demolition, was critically delayed owing to the indecisiveness of the Lord Mayor of London, Sir Thomas Bloodworth.
Considering that my previous post involved "Mayors", this stands out-- the Mayor Thomas Bloodworth... and note, his name Thomas means "twin" in origin. So think about it, his "delay" caused the fire to continue on, destroying and taking more lives as it went on, hence causing more blood on Mayor Bloodworth's hand. There is a message buried in all of this!! The inner twin world influenced this event to occur, as well as other things like Thomas Bloodworth's name and then his becoming "mayor" of London, for the simple reason being that it fit with their "great plan" to eventually "come out" and "communicate" to us-- outer twins in our outer twin world.
At this precise point in time, the inner twin world are now bringing this forward in order to communicate a warning-- delay means blood on the hands of "Powers that Bee" (mayors even) because they turn a blind eye, refuse to "write" the "right" ... the truth as to the inner twin world and their mandate.... a mandate that is designed to save our conjoined futures.
As far as Penn's poisonous pen, he was thrown behind bars for his words. I did find this tidbit from William Penn's wiki page particularly meaningful:
His court case doesn't sound too unlike my own!!
- Despite heavy pressure from the Lord Mayor to convict Penn, the jury returned a verdict of "not guilty". When invited by the judge to reconsider their verdict and to select a new foreman, they refused and were sent to a cell over several nights to mull over their decision. The Lord Mayor then told the jury, "You shall go together and bring in another verdict, or you shall starve", and not only had Penn sent to jail in loathsome Newgate Prison (on a charge of contempt of court), but the full jury followed him, and they were additionally fined the equivalent of a year's wages each.[63][64] The members of the jury, fighting their case from prison in what became known as Bushel's Case, managed to win the right for all English juries to be free from the control of judges.[65]
Note this next excerpt from Penn's wiki page in regards to a bronze statue of him that had been mounted on top of Philadlphia's City Hall:
Note from from Bacon's wiki page:
- When installed in 1894, the statue represented the highest point in the city, as City Hall was then the tallest building in Philadelphia. Urban designer Edmund Bacon was known to have said that no gentleman would build taller than the "brim of Billy Penn's hat". This agreement existed for almost 100 years until the city decided to allow skyscrapers taller to be built. In March 1987, the completion of One Liberty Place was the first building to do that.
Edmund Norwood Bacon (May 2, 1910 – October 14, 2005)Note his date of death, he died on William Pen's birthday... and once again, this will be 7 days from now. So we now have an "October 14" pattern-cluster also in the works. As well, note his date of birth, 2 May in another version is "twomay", with my name being "May", this is particularly meaningful, and the fact that the name of my first blog is "Toumai"-- a combination of my inner twin's name "Tou" (another form of two/2) and "Mai" another version of my own name. The name "Toumai" is also an African word that means "Hope for Life"... another word/name that was purposely influenced by the inner twin world a very long time ago to factor in to their eventual "coming out" and "communicating" to us at this precise point in time.
Since Mayor's have been a focus, and places like London and Philadelphia I decided to check out the present day Mayor of each:
Catherine Fiona Woolf CBE (née Swain; born 11 May 1948,Edinburgh, UK)Note her birthday... meaningful not only because of the twin 11 and the May, butt because May 12 and 13 dates had factored into my previous post, hence generating a "May 11, 12, 13/ Date Sequence" Pattern-cluster.
Sinc Nutter was the 125th mayor I looked for the 122nd, since twin number's and especially 22 are trade mark signatures of the inner twin world. Note the following:
- Michael Anthony Nutter (born June 29, 1957) is the 125th and current Mayor of Philadelphia.
W. Wilson Goode | January 2, 1984 – January 6, 1992 | Democratic (two four-year terms) |
- Goode's tenure as mayor was marred in the spring of 1985 by the MOVE confrontation, in which police attempted to clear a building in West Philadelphia inhabited by a radical back-to-nature group whose members, under the leadership of founder John Africa, had long defied city officials by shouting slogans and statements from a megaphone, ignoring city sanitation codes, assaulting neighbours, and resisting law enforcement officers.[1] During the final assault on the building, the police dropped an improvised bomb made of C-4 plastic explosive and Tovex, an explosive gel used in underwater mining. This caused the house to catch fire, and ignited a massive blaze which eventually consumed almost 4 city blocks, killed 11 people, and left 240 people homeless.
Note from John Africa's wiki page:
- John Africa (born Vincent Leaphart, July 26, 1931 – May 13, 1985), was a founder of MOVE,
Note his date of death... another addition to the "May 11, 12, 13/Date Sequence" and
"May 13" pattern-clusters, definitely a "move it" message.
"May 13" pattern-clusters, definitely a "move it" message.
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