Friday, October 12, 2012

Flora Thibodeau 111, Acadian Canadian from Rogersville!!!

Canada's super centenarian aged 111 lives not to far from where my dad lives in St. Louis New Brunswick and my mom's home town of Pointe Sapin.  Flora Thibodeau comes from Rogersville, which is interesting when you consider that it's an Acadian French Community that bears an English name, butt what makes it even more interesting, is that I had written a post concerning Rogersville, and the fact that the village had gotten its name via a long time feud that had once existed between famous Acadian "Father Richard", who just so happens to be a relative of mine (my great grandfather's Uncle).  To read this story (and interesting synchro), visit my Toumai Blog entitled(Harried 26) King of the Butte (Here).

It's also meaningful that the name Richard had crop up once again... twice in one day, each stemming from research surrounding 111 year old super centenarians.  "Twin" names such as this seem to be a theme today, considering as well, that my first post today involved France's 111 year old super centenarians (of which there are 6 living today), two of whom are named "Suzanne" Since the original meaning of the name Suzanne, is: a Lily and/or a Rose, there also appears to be a  "flower" synchro-cluster in the works, since Flora's first name obviously means "flower".  In fact, flowers seem to go hand in hand with super centenarians, note my recent post (Here), which talks about 111 year old Melva Radcliffe and flowers!!!   It's no accident as well, that the emblem of France is the Fleure de Lis (the Lily Flower).  

Hmmm, and even though Flora is Canadian, her bloodline... or at least a good portion of it, comes from France.   Judging by the longevity statistics, maybe our Acadian ancestors should have stayed in France?!!!
This is a photo of an interview with Flora when she was 107 years old,
and note the amount of views- 5222...  Definitely inner twin signature here!!!
I took this photo of Flora's on her 111th Birthday, she's talking
to Prime Minister Harper, I stopped the video at 1:11 minutes.

This photo directly above, was just taken by me.  When I had checked out the post that I mention above  the above re: where the name "Rogersville" had come from.  The reason I decided to take a photo and post, is due to the page views in the black box located within the information column at right... where the numbers 333 are prominent.

This is yet another example of the inner twin world's ability to influence our thoughts and actions in such a way that synchronicities occur.   For so many clusters of identical numbers to occur within a short span of time, is no ordinary coincidence, but purposely designed and planted for a distinct purpose.

Considering that the inner twin world influenced the design of the computer key board (at least the type I use) at the time of its inception,  they were able to design a means by which the numbers relating to synchronicity can be used in the communication process.  In other words, the computer keyboard can now be used as a cipher.  Given that the number 3 shares the same key as the # symbol, which via earlier synchro-connections, I've come to understand as meaning  -- to fabricate, build.  And because the inner twin world keep bringing up the specialized HOME -- the TUSSH (Two United Structure System Home), then we should consider this most recent cluster as furthering the inner twin world's "coming out" to us, as well as a furthering their "communication" to us-- namely that we need to be putting time and money into building the specialized homes and communities that they propose.

These next two photo's  were taken from my Toumai Post entitled, TOUMAI, "HOPE FOR LIFE"!! (Here).  The first one on the left, consists of rough sketches -- thumb nails of the TUSSH at various stages of its "function" and as seen from the outside.   In this case, I've demonstrated how the TUSSH can be built on frozen tundra-- within Pingo Mounds-- mounds of earth that are heaved up when water laying below the surface freezes-- a phenomenon that exists in the glaciated far north today.   As you can see, even rudimentary tools can be used to chip out the ice and make use of the core as living space.  If you want more detail, then I recommend that you read the earlier post.  

The second photo is a cross section of the TUSSH, which is based on the principal of a fully enclosed "eco system", whereby we are able to grow produce and even contain our organic waste matter in such a way as the bi-product of methane gas can be collected (as can be seen rising up from the tower at the center of the enclosure, and rising up in the bag above).  The gas is then used as part of this sustainable/earth friendly design, one that will set us  on a path to leaving "no footprint", but more than anything this will set us on the path for future survival.

What I would like to bring to your attention is the first photo re: and in particular note section 2 and 3, where "reflective petals" are use to reflect sunlight toward the center -- hence providing a controlled means of heat and light, given that the petals are designed to open or close as needed.  I believe this is why the inner twin world is now focussing on "flowers"-- they are giving us enough information for us to draw the synchro-conclusions.  Such is the complexity of their cryptic form of communication to us.

We can be sure, that the synchro-message will continue, and in the process, we can be equally sure that as long as we (outer twin world) continues to ignore the priority that they have so painstakingly put forth, then the inner twin world will continue their barrage, and even though many synchronicities are relatively benign, many come on the heels of death-- they will continue to wage this highly unusual where ... a war where they have as much to lose as we, butt in the end, if they are successful, then our conjoined world and future will have a fighting chance at surviving the myriad nemesis that will inevitably come our way.  

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