Friday, February 7, 2014

The Dan River and the Otter World

In the news this week are reports of a massive coal ash spill in a North Carolina River that occurred on Sunday.  I became aware of it just yesterday. On February 5th, one of my posts makes reference to "River Polution", a topic that cropped up due to the "timely"death of Danielle Downey, 33, American golfer and coach, who died in a traffic collision a week ago on January 30th.  Note this excerpt from my post, "Dannielle Downey RIIP: The Sky Tree": 
 Note how the prefix of Swinburne is the same as that of "Swindle", there's no doubt that this factors in.  Note the cryptic communication, "twin pig/swindle stream/burn".  This has me baffled... unless the reference is to polluted streams... there was a tributary that actually caught fire from pollution
Now then note the following excerpts from a web article (Here):
  • Duke Energy waited 24 hours to report major coal ash spill into Dan River
  • A 48-inch stormwater pipe ruptured Sunday at the retired Dan River Steam Station 
The first one is the title, and note the name of the company "Duke Energy".  This is an addition to the recently formed "Royalty-King/Queen/Prince(ess)/Duke..." pattern-cluster.

Take note of the Rivers name "Dan", and then note the first name of the recently deceased person --  "Danielle".  Now note the cryptic phrase re: "Dan I elle".  It appears to me that this is a signature-- a way for the inner twin world to communicate to us that they knew the leak was occurring before anyone from our world.

So the question is, how would they know this?!  Well considering that each of us has an inner twin, their knowledge could happen quite easily, ie: people walking along the river don't see what the inner
twin world see-- evidence of coal ash in the water at ever increasing levels.  The inner twin knew that the drain pipe running underneath the coal ash pond was breaking down.  It is also quite likely that they intended it to do precisely that.  It wouldn't be the first time that the inner twin world influenced an accident... and deaths, in order to factor into their strategy of "coming out" and "communicating" to our outer twin world.

The Dan River wiki page, reveals the following
Name of the river comes from Sioux word for otter, "ptan"... "Dan" in pronunciation
So note the word "otter".  This reminds me of a recent "ot/aught/ought..." pattern-cluster. Note this
excerpt my January 26 post re  Patrick Smith and Violetta Ferrari RIIIIP: Godot W8
This seems to be a cryptic answer re his surname "Waite".  So then what is Godot?  Let's consider it a cryptic phrase re "God ought/aught", note the etymology:

  • ought (v.) Old English ahte "owned, possessed," past tense of agan "to own (see owe). As a past tense of owe, it shared in that word's evolution and meant at times in Middle English "possessed" and "under obligation to pay. 
  • ought (n.) "zero, cipher," 1844, probably a misdivision of a nought... meaning probably influenced byaught "anything.  
Note what cropped up when keying in "ot" to the online etymology dictionary's search box:
  • other (adj.) Old English oþer "the second" (adj.), also pronoun, "one of the two, other," 
  • otic (adj.) "pertaining to the ear," from Greek otikos, "ear" (see ear (n.1)).
  • otiose (adj.) 1794, "unfruitful, futile," from Latin otiosus "having leisure or ease,unoccupied
  • ottava rima "eight-lined stanza," literally "eighth rhyme," from ottava "eighth" (see octave). 
  • Ottawa Canadian capital, for the Ottawa River, from the Algonquian... adawe "to trade."
  • otter (n.) Old English otrotor "otter," from Proto-Germanic *otraz (cf. Old Norse otr, Swedish utter, Danish odder, Dutch otter, Old High German ottar, German Otter)
Each of the above factor into the broader cryptic communication. I should reveal at this point, that
at around 15 years of age, I suddenly went deaf in my right ear, and what makes it even more unusual, is my son in law who is deaf in his left ear, has recently gone for a myriad of checkups in order to determine and hopefully treat the constant ringing, tinnitus, in his good ear.  And to top it off, just the other day my father called and during the course of the conversation he mentioned that he had gone to a doctor to check out the constant ringing in his ear.  I have expressed before, that I have suspicions about this-- that the inner twin world had caused the loss of our hearing for a purpose that we are not yet fully aware of.  Perhaps this is it... at least in part. 

What stands out as well from the above, is "Ottawa", meaningful because I'm Canadian, and note the meaning "to trade".   Does this indicate that the inner twin world wants to trade with us... and if so what?!  Could this be their way of saying that they will stop their war against our outer world and begin cooperating with us if we begin doing what we "aught" to be doing?!

So then how does "8" fit in?  Well, the number 8 does share the same key on my computer key board as the "*" asterisk symbol, and as explained earlier, the asterisk looks like a star and snow flake, butt as the name implies, we'll consider this to be the cryptic communication: both an x and t merged one on top of the other, up the 8 rays of an asterisk.  The "t" represents the first cross (that Jesus was crucified on" and so representative of the first coming; and the second cross, the "x" represents the second coming-- the knowledge that Jesus was not just one person, but two in on appearing body.  Keep in mind that with having said this I'm not stating that Jesus actually existed or not, or that he was God incarnate or not, butt what I am saying, is that the inner twin world encrypted and designed the scriptures in such a way that they would factor in with their "coming out" and "communicating" to us outer twins in our outer patriarchal world.

There note in regards to the title of the earlier connecting post as per the above,  the two surnames mentioned is Smith and Ferrari, both mean "black smith" in origin...and note, one of the fuels used by black smiths is coal. 

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