Monday, October 15, 2012

From Plastic Age to Stone Age

My last post concerning Super-Centenarian Frederica Maas, involved a list of films that she had a hand in, and one of these was a film called the Plastic Age.  Note the following wiki excerpts:
The Plastic Age is a 1925 black-and-white silent film, starring Clara Bow, Donald Keith, and Gilbert Roland in his film debut.
 based on the 1924 novel of the same name, which was written by Brown University professor  Percy Marks, a popular novelist at the time. Marks' novels were based on his students, the 'flaming youth in rebellion' of the twenties
Coat of arms of Argentina.svg So, what struck me as having synchro-relevance, was the mention of "Brown University", and if you've followed my posts over the last month, then you know why.   So, I googled Brown University   (Here), and what stood out on the University's web page, was their logo (see pictured at left), and again, if you've followed this blog, then you are likely already aware of the uncanny resemblance with another logo,  the coat of arms of Argentina (see pictured at right)that I wrote about and posted an image of in my September 12th post entitled, Radoslav Brzobohaty RIIP and a Rad Phryngian Cap (Here)
So, there's a similar "half sun" designed in "Kilroy was here" fashion.  Of course the sun in the Brown University has what appears to be a row of clouds hanging over head.  And there's the cross in one and the hands and pole in the other that also makes a cross.  Anyhow, there's enough similarity for us to consider inner twin influences.  From my perspective, the biggest difference is the hat-- the peace hat, whcih makes for a much brighter and happier sun... all the books and all the knowledge in all the Universities the world over doesn't amount to a thing if peace is not a part of the picture.  It isn't war among ourselves that we need to concern ourselves with, its war that our inner twins and their very powerful parallel world are waging against us.  
Since there has been a number of "rock" and "stone" synchronicities as of late as well, perhaps "the Plastic Age" factors in... with the two of them equating as "the plastic age vs the stone age".  The choice is ours, do we want to keep our modern technology... our new found computers and such , or do we want to lose it all and revert back to stone age survival (if were even that lucky)!?
I know it's not a message that you want to hear... and nor I, but I'm simply relaying what I see and interpret as the truth-- what the inner twin world want to communicate.  With all that said, I don't have faith in our outer world... not in the Patriarchal powers that be, but I know that the inner twin world will continue to do what they feel is necessary to bring us along.  

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